Patient Testimonials

"When I first contacted Bounce Treatment Services, I was in a very rough spot in my life. I was into prescription drugs very bad and lost my mother and a very close friend in the same year. I called Dr. Ellamarie and she saw me the next day!

After we had talked in depth about what I was going through, she 100% understood me without any judgement whatsoever. We then got my medication dose correct and since then, my life hasn't been the same!! (In a good way). I started by getting my license, a vehicle, and a pretty big promotion at my job. As for my home life, I have been married going on 15 years and my addiction almost cost me that. But since I have been on the program, my wife and I have been doing amazing. I know it's cliche, but Dr. Ellamarie saved my life and marriage. I 100% wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for her and Bounce Treatment Services.

Thank you for making me feel like my old self again. I thought I was gone forever."

— Ricky F.
"If you are feeling hopeless and helpless then my story should help you make the decision to make the call to get the help you DESERVE! I can not thank Dr. Russo, Nancy, and Nikki enough for saving my life! Yes, they literally saved my life! My self-esteem was shattered and I made myself believe that I wasn't worth saving. 

Then I made the call to the office and they helped me get my life back. I've been sober since June 2021 and I'm so proud of myself for making that call. They treat you here like a person and not just another patient. You have to do the hard work but with their guidance and support you can be successful too. We all deserve to live a drug or alcohol free life. Opiates controlled my life terribly after my mother passed in 2019. It numbed my pain and didn't allow me to go through a healthy grieving time. In early 2023, I went through the most devastating tragedy that would have caused me to relapse, but through the help of Dr. Russo and her incredible staff I was able to remain sober. 

One day I hope to be able to openly speak on this tragedy, but trust me, I would have never been able to get through it sober. Dr. Russo saved my life! I have never met a doctor that actually cares about their patients like she does. They want to see you succeed. From the moment I walked through their doors they have never judged me or made me feel like I was unsavable. I had no self-esteem and I hated the woman I was before seeking treatment here. 

Please don't be afraid to make that call. I promise you, you won't regret it. Take your accountability and make that decision not to be sick any longer. You won't find a doctor like Dr. Russo anywhere. She is an absolute up-front, genuine, caring doctor. She treats you like a person and not just another person with an addiction issue. We all deserve to live a life without drugs and alcohol and we are saveable. Please don't sit there in your addiction and miss out on what life should be because you are afraid. You will not regret making that call to their office. In a year you could be just like myself with a success story. I do not regret one thing making that appointment and seeking treatment from Dr. Russo. I will forever be grateful for the opportunities I was given by coming here. I am a true success story."

— Nicole D.
"I am 60 years old and have been lucky enough to see some change in this world. I would not say it is all for the best, however in the world of addiction there have been many changes for the best. Imagine the eighties a time when most of the world thought that the cure was to just say no!! Pretty simple solution. Well, that is the world that I grew up in and to be honest I could not understand why my youngest brother and a few of my friends could not just do that. I am a very strong-minded man; I can fix just about anything, but I could not Fix me.

I am not a writer I am a construction worker; a father and a human being so please forgive any clerical errors. I never imagined I would become an addict. I have always been so strong minded and driven to accomplish any goal I set for myself and or others. If I told you I would build you a house on top of a telephone pole I would do it, one way or another. Failure was not in my vocabulary. I had played with various drugs looking for Euphoria, but never could I have imagined that anything in this world that could make you feel so good could make you feel so bad if you did not have it. I was ignorant to the facts. Please remember early eighties Just say no!!

There were not a lot of options the first time I got what they call strung out. OMG Detox methadone, first day you receive three ten milligram pills, second day two pills, third day one pill they monitor your vitals, if your good you go home on the fifth day. I felt great I am never touching that stuff again. Wrong my little forget me mechanism erases all bad and only remembers the nice feeling I once had from the opiates. However almost instantly I feel like shit. I catch what they call rectaloctalites this is the disease. It connects the eyeball to the asshole and gives me a shitty outlook on life.

Once again, I am strung out and cannot figure out how to use safely. There is no safely for me. I am not able to use just once in a while, I am an addict. I spent many years struggling, some in rehabs, detoxes, jails prisons and many meetings along the way. No matter where I went the evil little beast of addiction has gone with me.

About ten/twelve years ago I went to a detox down in Albany New York they detoxed me on Suboxone. I reached out to a local Dr who was educated on addiction and he prescribed me Suboxone, Upon retiring he referred me to Dr. Russo who has a compassion for helping people like me and sees me like I am human and not less than. She like me has seen the damage done. I have lost a lot of friends to this disease. I have watched people that have no Idea what addiction is like run their mouth like the just say no solution would or could work.

Ignorance is the lack of Knowledge in one area or another it does not mean one is stupid.

Before I open my mouth and present an answer to someone, I make sure I know what I am talking about. Sometimes I need to think before I respond, sometimes I may need to research and respond at a later date.

Addiction is a disease; this disease takes control over you. The sickness that comes from withdrawal.Is like the worst flue could imagine x 1000 . It takes away all your morals, values and spiritual well-being. Suboxone and Dr. Russo have given me back all of my life with no desire to ever use again. Some may say this a crutch others may say whatever they wish. I myself have had no desire to use and know many others that feel the same way. If this is the cane I need to help me keep my life on track, then I am grateful for Dr. Russo and the program she is running. I am in great hope that other doctors will do the research and climb on board in helping addicts around the world."

— Bruce
"I was doing any drug underneath the sun years ago. I was given an ultimatum by a family member at the time, to either get my life together, or I would basically be disowned. I found Bounce Treatment Services, and it was a lifesaver. I started taking Suboxone right then and I haven’t had a relapse since. It helps so much, all my friends say that I should be the poster boy for Suboxone. I changed my life around completely for the better. I’ve been taking it for years now, and I don’t regret it at all. If it wasn’t for this drug, I would probably be dead or in prison. I highly recommend that you contact Dr. Russo if you want to change your life Around. There’s no other way to say it, shit or get off the pot. 

Start changing your life around."

— Brennen E.

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